We had a record registration for our summer 2024 sessions and had a great time at them all getting to know each other, flying drones, reviewing imagery/videos, playing with styrofoam gliders and launching a few rockets/dropping parachutes. Thanks again to our amazing volunteers, supportive families and friends and mostly, the awesome kids/young adults who participate.

Session 1: Arlington, WI: Farm Flying

We once again returned to a farm in Arlington, WI (just north of Madison) for our first official TATTS outing for 2024 . Our outings began in early August this year. We’ve been flying here for many years and always enjoy coming back. The Harris family has been very gracious with us for many years and we appreciate their generosity. We spent time getting acquainted/re-acquainted, and then a bunch of flying and practicing on the simulator.

We also captured a few videos of our team launching a rocket, releasing the parachute, and then doing an emergency retrieval of the parachute (using a coat hanger hung from the bottom of a drone) after it landed on the white, metal barn roof! Great teamwork all around.

Session 2: Fort Atkinson, WI

We also returned to a favorite location outside of Fort Atkinson, Wi. After a group session where we reflected on our last outing, we planned our day together. We did a lot of group flying snapping pics and videos of ourselves, surrounding farms and the local cat as well as a bunch of time on the simulator and working together in the sandbox. Below is a compilation video of our activities during our 2nd outing.

Session 3: Forest of Fame Park, Mt Vernon, WI Final Session

Our 3rd and final session for the season was held in late August at Fame Park in Mt Vernon, WI.

We also introduced new t-shirts for both volunteers and participants. Check ’em out below.