TATTS provided a full series of programming for its members in 2015.  Through a generous grant from the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin, TATTS was able to double the number of members served and  purchase additional equipment.  A brief description of each session is noted below.

  • Session 1: Indoor.  Introductions, flight simulator, drone station and practice flying.
  • Session 2: Indoor. Repeat of session 1 to sharpen our skills.
  • Session 3: Outdoor.  Flight simulator and flying station.
  • Session 4: Outdoor flying.  Flight simulator and flying station.  Idle members laid in the grass to make the initial of the pilot.  The pilot and navigator worked together to have the drone and camera be in the right position.
  • Session 5: Making movies.  TATTS team members compiled their own movies using footage gathered throughout the summer.  Thanks to the Madison Media Institute for providing us computers and software for moving making.

Special thanks to our sponsors for this year’s programming